Home Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

At First United Methodist Church of Irving, we seek to bring people together to share personal experiences with God and with each other. We have many opportunities to create new relationships with God and His people. We hope that you and your family will become involved with us as we all grow with God. By offering a wide range of classes we are able to have studies based on life as it applies to you today!

Challengers Class
For mid-ages and older couples and singles. Come join us! Enjoy a discussion format Bible study and book studies. We strive to bring contemporary subjects into the topics to make it relevant to your life today!  We meet in room 307 of the Education building at 9:15 am.

Kum Doubles
The Kum Doubles is a fellowship of couples and singles in their 50’s and 60’s who seek to build a closer relationship with God. With Biblically centered lessons in a discussion setting, we are anything but ordinary! Join us for fellowship, nights out dining, games, and more!  Gather at 9:00 am for fellowship – study at 9:30 am on the third floor of the education building in room 315.

This is a fun-loving energetic class for those seasoned seniors (70+) couples and singles. We meet in Room 103 in the Family Life Center. Join us for studies from the Adult Bible Study, International Series from Cokesbury.  Game days each month.  Gather for class at 9:00 am in the Family Life Center next to the kitchen.

Parents’ Class
This class started from our parents of confirmands (6th and 7th graders). We enjoyed our time together reading Scripture and talking about life issues from a biblical perspective, so we decided to continue. The class has broadened beyond those first parents so that all with kids from pre-school through college are invited to join us. We meet in the Hospitality Room of the Family Life Center at 9:15 every Sunday.

Young Adults (YAMS)

Our young adult ministries is for college aged and young professionals. We do a variety of  activities, including meeting on Sunday mornings in our new Young Adult space. Find us at the end of the first floor of our Education Building (Room 124) on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. We have many other activities including Sunday evening gatherings and adventures (such as axe-throwing!). Contact Julie Schilling for more information at youngadults@fumcirving.org.